Monthly Archives: February 2016

vegan winter fruit dessert - stuffed spiced apples

vegan winter fruit dessert – stuffed spiced apples

Why I like warm vegan winter fruit dessert

I like warm winter fruit desserts on cold winter nights. There is nothing better to warm you from the inside than a warm vegan winter fruit dessert preferably sitting in front of a cracking fire. I don’t know what winter is like where you live, but here in Ireland winter seems to want to linger a bit longer these day giving us plenty of cold frosty nights.

For this vegan dessert I cored some apples and stuffed them with a mix of dried fruit and spices. I added some cold pressed rapeseed oil and brown sugar to the mix. You can substitute both by using a liquid sweeter like honey or a fruit concentrate to bind the fruit mix together for stuffing. With those adaptations you could make this dessert without any added sugar just using the sweetness of the juice concentrate and the fruit. read more

Anti-Inflammatory Dessert

Warm Winter Fruit Compote – Anti-Inflammatory Dessert

Anti-Inflammatory Dessert

This fruit compote is both sugar-free and contains no added fat. All the sweetness comes from the sugar that is naturally contained in the fruit and the fruit juice that are in the ingredients to make this dessert. For a dessert to be in line with the health recommendation set down by health authorities such as the Harvard School of Medicine, they need to be fat free and contain little or no sugar. For more information on Anti-inflammatory Dessert cooking click on this link. It is one of the best Anti-Inflammatory Dessert Recipes and I make this at least once a fortnight during the winter months. Dried fruit is a great natural sweetener if you want to avoid using refined sugar. The natural sweetness of the fruit can be untapped really well if you heat the fruit or the dishes you want to prepare with the fruit. Try chopping up some died fruit and add it to your oat flakes when making your porridge in the morning. read more